A network of professionals from across the country who are experts in specific accrediting agencies, state regulatory bodies, operational components such as admissions, marketing, financial aid, completion, retention and placement, administrative functions, and compliance matters. Educational Advisors is NOT a “one-size-fits-all” company; rather, its team of advisors provides a custom approach to reaching goals and problem solving for each of its clients.
Kristina Strom
Financial Aid
The owner of Choice Consulting & Training Services, Inc., located in Cleveland, Ohio, Kristina Strom has worked in financial aid for more than 30 years. Ms. Strom has assisted diverse types of institutions across the United States, including for-profit, private and public institutions with varied educational offerings, from cosmetology to computer to flight schools, to graduate-level institutions. She has worked with clock hour, non-term, non-standard term, and term programs, and has provided consulting to many institutions initially seeking Title IV participation. Choice Consulting specializes in training, file review, and ongoing policy and procedure evaluation and development.
Dr. Inna Lisker
Distance Education, Online Teaching & Learning
Dr. Inna Lisker has 20 years of administrative, management, consulting, and teaching experience in Online Education and Postsecondary and Higher Education. Her most recent administrative experience includes such positions as AVP of Education and AVP of Career Services with International Education Corporation; and Associate Director of MOOCLab with UC Berkeley. Her faculty experience includes developing and teaching face-to-face and online courses with the University of California, Long Beach; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; University of Phoenix; and The Los Angeles Film School. Dr. Lisker is a Board Member at Columbia College Hollywood; she has served on the Information Technology Committee with CSULB’s College of Health and Human Services, and as a Distance Education Specialist with the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. Dr. Lisker received her BS in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; her M.B.A. from the University of California, Irvine; and her Ph.D. in Adult Education from Capella University in Minnesota.
Ana Shasha
Marketing Projects
A Miami native and graduate of Florida National College in business administration and accounting, Ana successfully handled complex international transactions as administrative director for an export company. Fluent in both English and Spanish, she is an expert translator. She has experience working with clients in international export transactions, hospitality industry, commercial real estate investment.