Educational Advisors

What We Do

For over 25 years, we have focused on three areas of higher education: accreditation,  state authorization and compliance.

Education Advisors guides clients through a variety of situations regarding accreditation and compliance:

  • Explain the process and show you how to structure your school to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Assist you in selecting the appropriate accrediting board.
  • Help you develop or formalize policies and procedures required by regulatory bodies.
  • Help new school owners get up and running quickly, providing guidance on interim staffing and policies.

We focus on three performance areas: 

Educational Compliance For Schools

Institutional approvals include the preparation of state and national accreditation applications and self-evaluation reports. We have extensive experience in assisting institutions to transition from non-accredited to accredited institutions.

Number 2

Specialized services for risk analysis and risk management designed specifically for proprietary schools.

Number 3

Review and development of school management policies and procedures relating to operational, academic and internal procedures ensuring compliance with state and national accreditation standards.

Our Process

Step 1: Prospective client inquires via email or phone.

Step 2: Email or callback from EA within 1 business day from the inquiry.

Step 3: Determine needs and explain service to you at mutually agreed upon time.

Step 4: Set-up in-person meeting to review readiness.

Step 5: Provide agreement for execution.

Step 6: Schedule kick-off meeting.

​Request a Free Consultation

To learn more about our services, schedule a complimentary consultation today.​

Call (562) 436-3900 or click here for a complimentary consultation.

Free Consultation

We have worked with schools across the nation who are accredited by national and regional agencies such as:

National Association of Schools of Art and Design