BPPE Guidance Memos Regarding New Laws and Regulations
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education | BPPE
The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education has released three documents to assist postsecondary educational institutions operating in California understand recent changes to the California Private Postsecondary Education Act and associated regulations:
Senate Bill 1433 Changes to the Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009
Recent Law Changes Impacting Out-of-State Institutions Enrolling California Students
Guidance for Public Institutions Operated by Another State that Maintain a Physical Presence in California
Institutions are strongly encouraged to closely review pertinent laws and regulations to understand their impacts on institutional operations and obligations.
To monitor the Bureau’s regulatory efforts, including recently finalized regulations not discussed in the memos above, please visit its Laws and Regulations webpage: bppe.ca.gov/lawsregs/index. shtml
Questions about these memos or the Bureau’s policy developments may be directed to bppe.policy@dca.ca.gov.