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Student Equity in Pell Grant Expansion is Essential as Build Back Better Moves to the Senate

Student Equity in Pell Grant Expansion is Essential as Build Back Better Moves to the Senate

CECU | Career Education Colleges and Universities

Student Equity in Pell Grant Expansion is Essential as Build Back Better Moves to the Senate


Arlington, VA – Earlier today, the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act by a vote of 220 to 213. Among other things, the bill increases the maximum Pell Grant award by $550, except for students attending proprietary institutions, a blatantly discriminatory exclusion that Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) opposes. In response to this anti-student exclusion, 17 Democratic Representatives sent a letter in support of students at proprietary institutions, urging House Democratic leadership to modify the bill. However, House Democratic leadership refused to make substantive changes to the education provisions in the modified bill and did not change the Pell Grant provision before final passage in the House.

“We would like to thank the 17 Democratic Representatives for supporting student equity in the Build Back Better Act,” said CECU’s President and CEO, Dr. Jason Altmire. “We look forward to continuing the discussion in the Senate to ensure that all students in all sectors are eligible for the increased Pell Grant. We hope that the Senate will reject this short-sighted provision that would punish hundreds of thousands of low-income students and runs counter to the education goals of the Build Back Better agenda.”


About Career Education Colleges and Universities

Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) is the national association serving the proprietary higher education sector.

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